List of ATI Graphics Cards

We have compiled specifications and benchmarks of ATI graphics cards released to date. The videocards are cataloged according to the different families produced by the company.

List of ATI Graphics Cards
All-In-Wonder (128)
All-In-Wonder (2006 Edition)
All-In-Wonder (7000)
All-In-Wonder (8500)
All-In-Wonder (9000)
All-In-Wonder (HD)
All-In-Wonder (X)
All-In-Wonder (X1)
Console GPU (Microsoft)
Console GPU (Nintendo)
Embedded (2000)
Embedded (4000)
Evergreen (HD 5400)
Evergreen (HD 5500)
Evergreen (HD 5600)
Evergreen (HD 5700)
Evergreen (HD 5800)
Evergreen (HD 5900)
Fire GL
FireGL (8000)
FireGL (9000)
FireGL (Vx000)
FireGL (Vx100)
FireGL (Vx200)
FireGL (Vx300)
FireGL (Vx400)
FireGL (Vx600)
FireGL (Vx700)
FireMV Multi-View (2000)
FirePro (Vx700)
FirePro (Vx800)
FirePro Mobility (M5xxx)
FirePro Mobility (M7xxx)
FirePro Multi-View (2000)
FirePro RG
M1x (Mobility 9000)
M2x (Mobility X1)
M5x (Mobility X1)
M6 (Mobility)
M6x (Mobility X1)
M6x (Mobility X2)
M7 (Mobility 7500)
M7x (Mobility HD 2000)
M7x (Mobility X2)
M8x (Mobility HD 3400)
M8x (Mobility HD 3600)
M8x (Mobility HD 3800)
M9 (Mobility 9000)
M9x (Mobility HD 4300)
M9x (Mobility HD 4500)
M9x (Mobility HD 4600)
M9x (Mobility HD 4800)
M9x (Mobility HD 500v)
M9x (Mobility HD 5100)
Mach 32
Mach 64
Mach 8
Manhattan (Mobility HD 5400)
Manhattan (Mobility HD 5500)
Manhattan (Mobility HD 5600)
Manhattan (Mobility HD 5700)
Manhattan (Mobility HD 5800)
Mobility FireGL
Mobility FireGL (V3xxx)
Mobility FireGL (V5xxx)
Radeon IGP (1100)
Radeon IGP (1200)
Radeon IGP (2000)
Radeon IGP (300)
Radeon IGP (3000)
Radeon IGP (300M)
Radeon IGP (ES)
Radeon IGP (HD 4000)
Radeon IGP (Mobility 7000)
Radeon IGP (Mobility 9000)
Radeon IGP (Mobility HD 3000)
Radeon IGP (Mobility HD 4000)
Radeon IGP (Xpress 1100 Mobile)
Radeon IGP (Xpress 1200 Mobile)
Radeon IGP (Xpress 200)
Radeon IGP (Xpress)
Radeon R100 (7000)
Radeon R100 (7200)
Radeon R200 (7500)
Radeon R200 (8500)
Radeon R200 (9000)
Radeon R200 (9100)
Radeon R200 (9200)
Radeon R300 (9500)
Radeon R300 (9600)
Radeon R300 (9700)
Radeon R300 (9800)
Radeon R300 (X1050)
Radeon R300 (X300)
Radeon R300 (X550)
Radeon R300 (X600)
Radeon R400 AGP (X700)
Radeon R400 AGP (X800)
Radeon R400 AGP (X850)
Radeon R400 PCIe (X1050)
Radeon R400 PCIe (X700)
Radeon R400 PCIe (X800)
Radeon R400 PCIe (X850)
Radeon R500 AGP (X1300)
Radeon R500 AGP (X1550)
Radeon R500 AGP (X1600)
Radeon R500 AGP (X1650)
Radeon R500 AGP (X1950)
Radeon R500 PCIe (X1300)
Radeon R500 PCIe (X1550)
Radeon R500 PCIe (X1600)
Radeon R500 PCIe (X1650)
Radeon R500 PCIe (X1700)
Radeon R500 PCIe (X1800)
Radeon R500 PCIe (X1900)
Radeon R500 PCIe (X1950)
Radeon R600 (HD 2400)
Radeon R600 (HD 2600)
Radeon R600 (HD 2900)
Radeon R600 (HD 3400)
Radeon R600 (HD 3500)
Radeon R600 (HD 3600)
Radeon R600 (HD 3700)
Radeon R600 (HD 3800)
Radeon R600 (HD 4200)
Radeon R700 (HD 4300)
Radeon R700 (HD 4400)
Radeon R700 (HD 4500)
Radeon R700 (HD 4600)
Radeon R700 (HD 4700)
Radeon R700 (HD 4800)
Rage 2
Rage 3
Rage 4
Rage 6
Rage GL
Rage Mobility
Rage Mobility (128)
Rage Mobility (Mx)
List of ATI Graphics Cards